Journal articles

Thematic dossier: Viticulture in the Americas.
Perspectiva Geográfica, Boyacá, v. 29, n. 3, 01 jul. 2024. 

ROJAS, F.; MONTAÑO, C. M.; GRILLI, D. G. Evolução da produção e do consumo de vinhos “não convencionais” na Argentina no final do século XX e início do século XXI. SciELO Preprints, 2024.

HILHA, A. ; ANDRADE, C.E.L. ; BURIN, M.R. ; MEDEIROS, R.F. ; ALMEIDA, M.P. ; ORLANDI, F.B. ; FREITAS, F.R. ; DALBÓ, M.A. ; SOUZA, A.L.K. ; MAY-DE-MIO, L.L. ; Nodari, R.O. . Vitis species and varietal resistance of mature berries against inoculation of an isolate of the Colletotrichum acutatum complex that causes grape ripe rot. Acta Horticulturae, v. 1385, p. 95-102, 2024.

NODARI, Eunice Sueli; FERRI, GIL KARLOS . Práticas de sustentabilidade na vitivinicultura no Sul do Brasil. CADERNOS DO CEOM, v. 36, p. 198-210, 2023.

FERRI, G. K.; NODARI, E. Enoturismo e Vindimas no Terroir Vinhos de Altitude de Santa Catarina – Brasil. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) revista de la Solcha, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 188–212, 2023. 

FERRI, Gil Karlos; NODARI, Eunice Sueli. Emoldurando um terroir: o processo de europeização da paisagem socioambiental na região Vinhos de Altitude de Santa Catarina – Brasil. Estudios Rurales. Publicación del Centro de Estudios de La Argentina Rural, Quilmes, v. 28, n. 13, p. 1-17, maio 2023.

ROCHA, Carla Pires Vieira da; NODARI, Eunice Sueli. Notes on wine growing and the Circular Economy in the context of intensifying climate change. Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, [S.L.], v. 20, n. 1, p. 1-13, 2023. FapUNIFESP (SciELO). 


DIAS, Andressa Hilha; SPANHOLI, Luiz Fernando; SOUZA, André Luiz Kulkamp de; BRIGHENTI, Alberto Fontanella; WELTER, Leocir José; NODARI, Rubens Onofre. Phenology and viticultural performance of different fungus-resistant grapevine advanced selections at three different altitudes in southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, [S.L.], v. 45, n. 1, p. 1-15, jan. 2023. FapUNIFESP (SciELO).

RODEA, L. F. G. ; ORTIZ, H. T. ; ESPINOZA-ORTEGA, A. ; CÉSAR, Pedro de Alcântara Bittencourt . Influencia del enoturismo en el consumo y la producción de vinos en Querétaro (México). Encrucijadas-Revista Critica De Ciencias Sociales, v. 23, p. 1, 2023.

NODARI, Eunice Sueli. Conflicts Between Neighbors: Viticulturists and Soybean Farmers at the Pampa Biome – RS, Brazil. Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, Anápolis, v. 11, n. 3, p. 9-21, 2022.

FILI, Juan Pablo. Modelos de Desarrollo y Trayectorias Vitivinícolas y Olivícola en la Provincia de San Juan: Una Propuesta para su Periodización. Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, Anápolis, v. 11, n. 3, p. 69-85, 2022.

MIRAGLIA, Marina; CERDÁ, Juan M.; FALCONER, Marianel; NODARI, Eunice Sueli; ROJAS, Juan Facundo. The territory and the viticulture transformation of Mendoza (Argentina) from the perspective of women. Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História, Chapecó, n. 39, p. 10-29, 2022.

TERRERI, Laianny C. G.; VELASCO, Julia Mai; NODARI, Eunice Sueli. Culture and tradition: a study of the grape and harvest festivals in Videira (SC). Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História, Chapecó, n. 39, p. 30-49, 2022.

VÁZQUEZ, Florencia Rodríguez; BARRIO, Patricia. Control and regulations for an uncontrollable wineindustry: path dependences of the Directorate ofIndustries of the province of Mendoza (Argentina 1908-1943). Documentos y Aportes En Administración Pública y Gestion Estatal, v. 21, n. 37, p. 1-21, 2022.

CERDÁ, Juan Manuel; NODARI, Eunice Sueli. The Vineyard and Fruit Contractor in Mendoza, Argentina: the struggle for the identity of the worker. História: Debates e Tendências, Passo Fundo, v. 21, n. 2, p. 145-166, 2021.

ROCHA, Carla Pires Vieira da; NODARI, Eunice Sueli. Wine and imagery in the context of advanced globalization. Veredas: Revista Interdisciplinar de Humanidades, v. 4, n. 7, p. 159-178, 2021.

VÁZQUEZ, Florencia Rodríguez. New perspectives for regional industries: the production of wine alcohol in Mendoza (Argentina, 1930-1942). História Econômica & História de Empresas, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 2, p. 310-344, 2021.

FILI, Juan Pablo; HERNÁNDEZ, Juan Jesús; MAYOR, Sergio Luiz Bega. The cuadrilleros in the small and medium vineyards of San Juan. Reviise Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, v. 14, n. 14, p. 87-100, 2020.

FILI, Juan Pablo; CARBALLO, Oscar; ENGELMAN, Anabella Ayelén. Geographies of work in the new viticulture: The case of Valle de Uco, Mendoza. Estudios Socioterritoriales, v. 68, n. 28, p. 1-22, 2020.

RAINER, Gerhard. Geographies of qualification in the global fine wine market. Environment And Planning A: Economy and Space, v. 53, n. 1, p. 95-112, 2020.

ROCHA, Carla Pires Vieira da; NODARI, Eunice Sueli. Winemaking, Environmental Impacts and Sustainability: New Pathways from Vineyard to Glass? Latinoamericana y Caribeña Environmental History (HALAC), v. 10, n. 1, p. 223-243, 2020.

OLIVEIRA, Antonio José Alves de; NODARI, Eunice Sueli. Notes on beverage production and landscape changes in the hinterlands of western Brazil (1760-1830). Regional History Journal, Ponta Grossa, v. 25, n. 2, p. 312-335, 2020.

JUÁREZ, Andrés; CALONI, Nicolás; MIRAGLIA, Marina. Tablero de control COVID 19 – AMBA: Conurbano IDE. National University of General Sarmiento. Geography and Geographic Information Systems (GeoSIG), Luján, v. 12, n. 16, p. 1-5, 2020.

ROJAS, Facundo; RUBIO, Cecilia; RIZZO, Martín; BERNABEU, Marta; AKIL, Nur and MARTÍN, Facundo. Land Use and Land Cover in Irrigated Drylands: a Long-Term Analysis of Changes in the Mendoza and Tunuyán River Basins, Argentina (1986-2018). Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. v. 13, n. 4, p. 875-899, 2020.

FERRI, Gil Karlos. History & Winemaking project: innovative education and sustainable socioeconomic development in Serra Catarinense. Gepesvida, São José, v. 6, n. 15, p. 59-66, 2020.

NODARI, Eunice Sueli; FRANK, Zephyr. Wines of Altitude in the State of Santa Catarina: the signature of an identity. Tempo e Argumento, Florianópolis, v. 11, n. 26, p. 183-200, 2019.

RAINER, Gerhard; PÜTZ, Robert; STEINER, Christian. The emergence of new wine design practices: flexitanks and the assembling of bulk wine across global rural regions. The Geographical Journal, London, v. 187, n. 4, p. 373-385, 2019.

FERRI, Gil Karlos. The italian immigration and the trajectory of the De Bona Sartors family in Urussanga, SC. History and Culture, Franca, v. 8, n. 2, p. 271, 2019.

CERDÁ, Juan Manuel. Cooperative Winemaking Development in the Province of Mendoza. Rivar, Santiago de Chile, v. 5, n. 13, p. 34-54, 2018.

CURI, Alcides Beretta. European Inmigration in Uruguay. The Beginnings and Early Development of an Agricultural Establishment Model: Los Cerros de San Juan (1854-1929). Rivar, Santiago de Chile, v. 4, n. 13, p 78-97, 2018.

FILI, Juan Pablo; HERNÁNDEZ, Juan Jesús. The Argentine Wine Crisis of the 80’s. Rivar, Santiago de Chile, v. 4, n. 13, p. 98-116, 2018.

RAINER, Gerhard; HAFNER, Robert. Resourcing Salta. Viticulture, soy farming and the contested commodification of land. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, Berlin, v. 148, n. 2-3, p. 121-133, 2017.

MEDINA, Diana Lizbeth Mendez. Between aims and limitations: the viniculture industry in Baja California (1935-1943). Signos Históricos, Ciudad de Mexico, v. , n. 36, p. 148-179, 2016.

RAINER, Gerhard. The making of the ‘world’s highest wine region’: globalization and viticulture restructuring in salta (nw argentina). Erdkunde, Bonn, v. 70, n. 3, p. 255-269, 2016.

RAINER, Gerhard. Constructing globalized spaces of tourism and leisure: political ecologies of the salta wine route (NW-Argentina). Journal Of Rural Studies, v. 43, p. 104-117, 2016.

VÁZQUEZ, Florencia Rodríguez. Commitments for a diversified economy: the insertion of Mendoza grape (Argentina) in foreign markets (1907-1930). América Latina en la Historia Económica, Ciudad de México, v. 23, n. 1, p. 152-183, 2016.

CERDÁ, Juan Manuel; HERNÁNDEZ DUARTE, Ricardo José. Argentine wine exports: a story based on episodes. Revista de Economia Agrícola, São Paulo, v. 61, n. 2, p. 35-52, 2014.

VÁZQUEZ, Florencia Rodríguez. National School for grape and wine production of Mendoza strengthens links with the regional entrepreneurs (1919-1925). Revista de Ciencias Sociales, San José, n. 141, 2013.

CURI, Alcides Beretta. Paths of innovation in agro: immigration, farmer networks, elites and vine in the modernization Uruguay
(1870-1900). Tempos Históricos, Logroño, v. 16, p. 41-69, 2012.

VÁZQUEZ, Florencia Rodríguez. Human Resource Training for Mendoza Grape and Wine Growing: Challenges, Changes and Continuities in Agricultural Teaching in Mendoza, Argentina (1873-1920). Secuencia: Revista de historia y ciencias sociales, n. 84, p. 73-96, 2012.

CURI, Alcides Beretta. Immigration, viticulture and innovation: the Buonaventura Caviglia venture in the town of Mercedes (1870-1916). Mundo Agrario, Buenos Aires, v. 9, n. 18, 2009.