Annals of events

DA COSTA, Gabrieli Elisa; MORETTO, Samira Peruchi. The rise of viticulture in the extreme West of Santa Catarina from the 2000s decade. In: Anais do XXI Encontro Estadual de História da ANPUH-SC. Florianópolis (SC): UDESC, 2022.

DA COSTA, Gabrieli Elisa; MORETTO, Samira Peruchi. Environmental History: viticulture in the Midwest of Santa Catarina (1970 to 1990). In: XII Jornada de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica, 2022, Chapecó. Anais […]. Chapecó: UFFS, v. 1, n. 12, 2022.

TERRERI, Laianny Cristine Gonçalves; VELASCO, Júlia Mai. The cult of the land, the immigrant and the queens: the symbology in the Grape Festivals in southern Brazil. In: Seminário de Pesquisa em História, 6., 2021, Chapecó. Anais História em Debate. Chapecó: UFFS, v. 4, 2022.

TERRERI, Laianny Cristine Gonçalves; VELASCO, Júlia Mai. The change in the landscape through the vineyards. In: Seminário de Pesquisa e Ensino da Graduação em História, III, 2021, Campinas. Anais […] . Campinas: Ifch Unicamp, 2022. p. 144-150.

FERRI, Gil K.; NODARI, Eunice S.; NODARI, Rubens O. Vitiviniculture in the Santa Catarina Plateau: preliminary observations from the perspective of Global Environmental History. In:  Proceedings of the 18th State Meeting of History of ANPUH-SC. Criciúma: UNESC, 2020. p. 01-12.

JIMÉNEZ, Carlos N.; MIRAGLIA, Marina; SPINA, Verónica and VILLALBA, Braian. Methodology for integrating historical cartography of the RMBA into a display of web maps. In: POTOCKO, Alejandra (Org.). Proceedings of the 4th Latin American Congress of Urban Studies: Metropolitan transformations in Latin America. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, 2020. p. 2689-2713.